4 weeks on
This Sunday (4th May) was the 4th week after the Paris Marathon so I decided it was time to go out and run a bit. I’d been to Circuit Training on the Tuesday before and felt good so I thought maybe a run would be a good idea.
What a mistake. What a terrible mistake. It was not a good idea.
To put it simply – I crashed out at 1 mile!! One mile!!! One sodding mile and my legs had no energy and were sore. I stopped and walked home. I stopped my Garmin, refusing to let it log the event.
What has happened? Have I lost all that fitness in the space of 4 weeks? Am I that unfit? It was time to sulk. 4 bloody weeks!!!
It’s now Tuesday and my thighs are in agony. I am having trouble walking. 4 weeks!!!!
Rant over.
In other news I’ve registered for the Swansea Half Marathon which is just over 9 weeks away. I wonder how that will go.