ASICS 26.2 – Week 8 Training Schedule and Injury Update
Here is the week 8 training schedule for those that are following:
WEEK EIGHT (approx 30M)
- Mon 3M very easy
- Wed 7M of 1M jog, then 4 x ‘mile winders’ at approx 10k pace: try to get each mile a few seconds faster than the last. 3 min jog recoveries. 1M jog to finish
- Thu Rest
- Fri 6M easy
- Sat Rest
- Sun 14M – 7M very easy, 7M easy
Injury Update:
It’s been a tough week with the suspected stress fracture of the right tybia, but as I sit here on a Sunday night the leg seems okay. I’ve had a week of gym and swimming work coupled with some rest and ice. Everything seems to be going okay. I’m off for an xray tomorrow as an MRI scan would take too long (unless I had private health care).
I’m meant to be running the Longleat 10K next weekend but I’m not sure whether that will happen. If it does then I will be running it at a slow pace – I will have to get out before Sunday for a little run (maybe Friday) but will have to speak to Sam and Sarah before I do that. I also need to wait for my new trainers to arrive from ASICS.