ASICS26.2 – To run or not to run (Oulton Half Marathon)
This week I am facing a decision that could either benefit or wreck my chances at the Paris Marathon in April. That decision is whether or not to run in the Oulton Half Marathon which takes place on 23rd February – just over a week away.
I have been discussing it over email with Sarah Connors and Sam Murphy. As expected they have both advised caution. This is what Sam outlines in her forum post today:
“Gareth, Sarah and I have been in discussion this week about the Oulton Half Marathon, which is on the 23rd Feb. This was originally part of Gareth’s plan – but the dilemma is whether he should still do it or not. It’s 6 weeks out from race day – so I’m inclined to think that it’s worth him trying – after all, if you can’t run half the distance 6 weeks before, the chances of running a full marathon 6 weeks later are slim. But, as Sarah and I have discussed, there’s a risk that the leg will react, and 2-plus hours of running on it could then put paid to the marathon.”
So between us we have decided that I will make the decision after speaking to my Physio on Monday and as Sam says – the decision will then be made. If he (Ben) is of the opinion that it is too soon then I will not run it. If I do run it then this is Sam’s advice:
” I have suggested that he uses a walk-run strategy – 2 or 3 minutes walking out of every 10 – right from mile 1. This is also what I recommend he does in Paris. It’s the best ‘damage limitation’ strategy for people who have not managed to get their mileage up to where it should be, for whatever reason. It helps take the pressure off any vulnerable areas by changing the loading and taking away the impact at regular intervals.”
I’m getting used to the fact that I may have to use a walk/run strategy for the marathon so this would not be a bad thing. I was at 13 miles just when the injury kicked in. I might push a long run this Sunday to see how it goes – not 13 miles, but maybe a 6 miler (10K).
I’ve never been here before so hopefully someone will ready this and advise.