Detox – Day 4 – Thursday
It’s Thursday and for the first time I am a little bit hungry. There is temptation to eat something good. A slice of toast? A biscuit? I need to be on guard today as my mind is a bit weaker. It’s day 4… let’s go… a shorter blog post today.
7am: Not a good start. I’m late getting up. 7am – no tablet until 7:10 by the time I get downstairs. Tablets in, aloe vera down and shake made and demolished by 7:25am. The detox guide says I need to wait 30 minutes after the garcinia tablets – but I don’t have time. I need to make another shake and get going.
12:40pm – Lunch : After a morning of water and not eating I am really hungry by this time. I’m not sure the shake is going to be enough. I could go for a walk but the local bakery (Jenkins) is too tempting and when I’m hungry I do tend to give in easily and will eat badly. So I stay in my classroom and do some work. Tablets and shake all eaten. More water. I know… I’ll have a coffee. That helps. Something different.
2:30pm : No hot chocolate today. Instead it’s fruit – grapes, strawberries and blueberries. I’m only meant to have one of these but with an extra 200 calories on hand for being a man, I don’t mind taking on the extra.
8:50pm : Major cock up with my food this evening. Sweet potato, salmon and steamed veg. Easy enough but my potato wouldn’t cook. So I ate the salmon and the veg first and then the potato around 40 minutes later. Amateur mistake. So no photo of my foot today. In fact – no discussion of my food. It wasn’t good.
10:30pm – Bed Time : Pint of water and bed. I survived the day with no cheating.
Thursday Good things:
- Survivied without eating anything bad – despite being hungry
Struggles: Today’s struggles are:
- Hungry.
- The lack of running or cycling is annoying me – but hopefully I will be swimming tomorrow evening (Friday). I’m worried that the small amount of calories will not enough to sustain the level of running/cycling I usually do.
5 days to go……. and a big fear – the weekend. Friday night to Sunday evening and it’s going to be tough. Bring on the support. Final comment for today – thanks to those that have sent messages.