Here we go again…. @Marathon_Mcr @armstrongfit1 @runningblogs
In 2014, after completing the Paris Marathon I swore that I’d never again go through the pain that I felt in my legs at the end of the 26.2 mile distance. Through the tears of joy and pain I told Mrs E to stop me signing up for anything like that again. Without a doubt it hurt. It was also a relief and as the tears flowed on that day in Paris the scale of what I had achieved sank in.
Of course it didn’t last. The pain in the legs soon passed, as did the memory of me saying I’d never run 26.2 again. Within 72 hours of getting home from Paris I’d signed up to run the Chester Marathon in the October. I’d failed to hit the Sub 5 Paris target due to injury. Chester would be different – I changed my plan a little (again thanks to @isaabos) and started training for a Sub 4:30 race but using it to reach Sub 5. October came, I ran a 4:42 and once again I cried tears of joy and pain as I crossed the line and saw my supporters.
With that I retired. October 2014 – two marathons completed. I was done with it. I even told people that there would be no more.
It didn’t last – in a strange moment of New Years Madness at the end of 2015, I picked up my laptop and signed up for the 2016 Snowdonia Marathon (@marathoneryri). My third and a tough one. Hell – why not.
I trained, and I trained hard. Again following the 4:30 plan. I knew there was no way I was going to reach Sub 4:30 on this so aimed for Sub 5. It was a great run and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Missed my target but didn’t care – the run feeling of achievement at completing one of the UK’s hardest marathons was enough. OH yes – I cried at the end of this one too.
After arriving home from North Wales, I found myself at that point again. What do I do next? Do I start the training again? Do I have a month off running? The answer was easy – I’d already had my London rejection letter, so I needed to find a run. I did – I entered the Manchester Marathon (@Marathon_Mcr) which takes place in April 2017. It’s meant to be one of the flattest so I am hoping for a good time. Which brings me to another interesting bit of information…
As well as the Asics plan that I will be following, I’m hoping to work with Armstrong Health Specialists of CrossHands (@armstrongfit1). The main man there is a guy called Craig Armstrong and I’m hoping to draw upon his expert knowledge of nutrition and fitness to get a Sub 4 run. I’ve already been following some of his food plans with Louise and am positive that the nutrition advice he has given helped me complete Snowdonia. I’m not there yet – we need to chat to each other about where to take this idea – but wherever it goes I hope it will benefit us both.
December 12th is the start of the 16 week training period. I do hope you will come with me on another journey of training. Hopefully it will be fun.
Tell me, are you running Manchester? Do you eat a special diet that helps your running? It would be great to hear from you.