Marathon Eryri – Week 6 into Week 7 #runchat @runningblogs
Week 6 Review:
I didn’t have time to blog about week 6 and just as well as it was an absolute nightmare. Nothing in the legs. Runs were started and ended early due to no energy. So I decided to leave the long run on Sunday and rest instead. I think it did the trick but it does mean I missed a long run (14 miles) – which isn’t good. I’ll have to hope the next long run is okay.
Another change this week is with food – alcohol has been taken out of my diet 🙂 and so has bread. Other small changes are being made over the week. Finally, I have started putting my legs into cold water after each run. This is to help with my calves. I struggle with tight calves and they can be very painful so hopefully cold water will help.
Week 7 Training:
Here is the plan for this week – approximately 32 miles:
- Mon: Rest
- Tue: 4M of 1M jog, then 10 x 200m close to mile pace (each rep in around 58 secs) – jog the remaining 200m of the track in 90 seconds to recover between reps. 1M jog.
- Wed: 3M easy
- Thu: 6M of 2M steady, 2M at threshold pace (8.50-9.05 per mile pace), 2M easy
- Fri: Rest
- Sat: 16M – first 8 very easy, second 8 easy
- Sun: 3M easy off-road (on grass or trails)
- Running this week is going to be disrupted due to being away. I’m going to try and find time to get out but the long run might be affected because there is a birthday party.
Still not booked accommodation but have found a camp site. Still debating whether to change my trainers as they reach 500 miles. Advice on Twitter #runchat seems to be to keep the trainers as they are. I think that is what I will do and when (if) I complete Eryri then I will look at buying some new ones. Seems a good reward.
I’ve also decided to run Eryri wearing a hydration backpack – I think. I’ve been looking at running belts but have not had chance to research which is the best one to buy. I’m not sure how comfortable they will be with two bottles bouncing around on my hips. Handy thought to carry my Cliff Shot Blocks.
Are you training for a marathon? Do you run with a belt or a hydration back pack? Let me know how yours is going in the comments. It would be nice to hear from people.