Using tech to track my running – It helps…
I don’t claim to know anything about running. What I do know is that in October 2011 I started running – after several years of not much exercise, eating, drinking etc I was hitting a 38″ waist trouser. Trying to get work trousers one Sunday afternoon in Marks & Spencer made me feel like crap. No way was I going to be a 38″ waist.
So I got home and went for a run. I downloaded an app called Runkeeper and used it to track what was doing. Here is the RunKeeper entry:
It wasn’t good. It was messy. The diary entry for that day was: “Knackering. Stopped 3 times to stretch. Step 1 – start running. Done!”
Since then I have kept going. I read that most beginners give up in the first two weeks.I wasn’t going to be one of these. I’d been there before.
I recommend anyone who is starting running get’s a tracker app for their phone. It helps. When you are feeling down and fed up with your progress use it to take a look back to where you started. Use it to remind yourself why you started and how much you have progressed over time. I’ve been running for over a year now and today I got out and ran a 12k – it was a new route and it was hard but I did it. Of course I’ve put it into the diary and will read it every time I feel fed up.
Here is today’s entry:
iTunes Link to RunKeeper: