Next Week – Detox…..
Next week I’m going to try something different. I’m going to start a detox plan in an attempt to shift a couple of pounds which will hopefully help me when I’m training to last a bit longer without the extra weight slowing me down.
My detox pack has arrived and I’m excited to try it. It does mean less training due to reduced calories and smaller food intake but I’m sure it won’t be that bad.
I’m not going to name the detox plan as some people have strong opinions about this sort of thing. I also don’t want people to think I’m affiliated or sponsored by the company in any way. However, if anyone is interested then get in touch via my comments page and I’ll give them the details.
I’ve been looking to follow this detox for a while after a colleague in work lost some weight on it. I also work with the lady who promotes this detox plan alongside her normal day job.
I’m hoping to blog about it every day so if you have an interest in this sort of thing then please do check back every day.
So – roll on Monday.